Try 2 and a half years.... Long time between blogs, huh?
I don't even know what to fucking say here, with the amount of random and funny stories I've got to tell between the Oktoberfest 07 incident and now...
I'll guess I'll make it easy for myself and put it out there that I'll try not to let too many momentous/epic events go "un-blogged" especially as most of my stories these days involve late nights, alcohol and Kings Cross.
P.S. For those who aren't from Sydney, a little FYI: Kings X is fucking awesome and is the place to be on a Friday/Saturday night, whether you want to go to a club, or to a strip joint.
P.P.S. For those of you in Australia, can't wait for Underbelly 3.
P.P.P.S. Peace. Out.
Why did you stop posting? D:
I got a life... haha nah, just with school and work and everything, just didn't find time for it...